Despite the weather, the distributors from domestic China and overseas came together with great passions to hold the distributor seminar for foreign exchange with the theme “explore the win-win solution”. Carpoly vice chairman Mr. Cao ShuChao first presented a warmly welcoming speech to all the attendants. He expressed that the boards of directors were deeply concerned about the overseas business and expected the foreign and domestic distributors would take this chance to learn by each other to facilitate the sales, penetrate into the market and build strong Carpoly brand. Then he revealed the updated Carpoly overseas progress including the successful goods production of Carpoly Joint-venture Company in Myanmar, the setting up of Singapore Company for overseas business. At last, he wished that all distributors business get better and will visit overseas distributors in the near future.
Mr. Jonathan受邀演讲
会中,国贸部总经理宋欣怡女士致辞后,来自非洲加纳的经销商Mr. Jonathan受邀发表演讲,他是嘉宝莉海外市场的第一位经销商,追随多年,对嘉宝莉品牌充满感情。他与在座中外经销商分享与嘉宝莉曲折而美丽的邂逅故事。Mr. Jonathan在机缘巧合中发现嘉宝莉,积极开展洽谈合作,最后产品在加纳测试后,出来的效果更是喜出望外。遂万里迢迢来到中国,几番周折后,携手嘉宝莉共同发展,成为加纳木器漆领域顶尖供应商,引领当地及邻近市场涂装工艺发展方向。5年的风雨历程令他更加坚信,嘉宝莉是值得信赖的生意伙伴。
After the address of Ms. Song, the Ghanaian distributor Mr. Jonathan was invited for speech. Mr. Jonathan was Carpoly first overseas distributor with great passions. He shared to domestic and foreign distributors his first twisted and wonderful contact with Carpoly. By chance, he found Carpoly wood paint and tested it in Ghana. He was surprised with the quality and took a long flight from Ghana to China to meet with Carpoly. After 5 years of cooperation, he has become one of the leading wood paint suppliers and advanced coating solution providers in Ghana as well as the nearby countries. He firmly believed that Carpoly would be a strong business partner no matter in weal or woe.
By the guidance of Ms. Song, the General Manager and Mr. He, the vice general manager, the meeting went well with goodwill and easiness. Centering around operation and strategy, channel management and expansion, team building and management, the domestic and foreign distributor made a deep discussion and interaction. The Chinese distributors explained profoundly and simply their key factor on business success and solve the confusion and problem for foreign distributors. Meanwhile, the foreign distributors listened carefully, made note and raised lots of questions. As the leader of foreign distributors, Bangladesh representatives were keen to the design of local production capacity. While Indonesian distributor was in the early stage of development and they hoped to strength the team building and become stronger in the market.
The meeting had lasted for 3 hours with great enthusiasm. The general manager MS. Song said that the International Business unit would never stop moving and keep exploring overseas market and develop more innovative cooperation models. At the same time, this seminar will continue to be served as the platform for domestic and foreign partners for exchange and communication. The seminar came to an end after happy group photos.